Sunday, January 22, 2012

Love Like Jesus

A little peek into my life.....
The other day I was feeling a little bit crabby and a little discouraged. Nothing big, just feeling blah. I was waiting for my youngest son to get off his bus at school. A young man who obviously had Down Syndrome, came out of the school and hesitated before crossing in front of my van. I smiled and motioned with my hand for him to cross in front of me. His whole face lit up and he smiled at me like I was his best friend in the whole wide world and he waved vigorously at me for a couple seconds as if he hadn't seen me in a long while and was thrilled to see me!  I had never met him before. He then happily crossed in front of my car and got into his brother's car to go home. I cannot tell you how my heart was touched. I felt like smiling and crying at the same time. It was so sweet! He was an angel. My mood changed and I couldn't erase the smile on my face for a long while and I keep thinking about this encounter.
I teach a pre-school class at our church. The Bible story this week that we were learning as a class was this one from the book of Mark. Jesus had drawn a crowd of people with His teaching and many parents were bringing their little ones to see Jesus and wanted Jesus to bless them and touch them. The disciples, who probably thought they were being helpful,  told the parents to back off and to stop crowding Jesus and for them to take the children away. I absolutely love Jesus' response and I love the strong language the Bible uses. Jesus was ticked!
"When Jesus saw this, he was INDIGNANT. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
I talked with my little class of three and four year olds about how wonderful it would have been to hug Jesus and have Him talk with them. Their little faces were so animated imagining this! Jesus would have loved to hug the young man who waved at me! Someday He will! 
I think we all could learn a lesson from this sweet-hearted, special, young man. He had no inhibitions about greeting a stranger like a long-lost friend and making me feel like I was special to him. We do not have any excuse for the way we treat each other and the lack of true emotion that we do not show to each other! Why don't we show those around us how special they are to us!? Why don't we greet each other so enthusiastically? We are too mature and sophisticated! Hmmm.... here is a quote that has blessed me this week as I ponder on these thoughts.

“I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.” Mother Teresa. 

Have a cozy week and take time to love each's what really matters after all! Remember that your words can either discourage or encourage.....Love Like Jesus!



  1. What a beautiful post.......lovely

  2. so perfect! thank you for sharing...these lines really struck a cord with me:
    "We do not have any excuse for the way we treat each other and the lack of true emotion that we do not show to each other! Why don't we show those around us how special they are to us!?"

    I have been struggling so much lately with surface relationships with Christian relatives...some whom I think at this point I should be very close with but we never get past the weather or tv shows. very frustrating. I am trying my best to be real without being overwhelming with realness and respecting their "walls" lol...hope I can find the balance or learn to accept that that is as far as some relationships can go. but I know I still need to be me...and be open and honest about who I am and what my faith means deep inside ;)

  3. Such a lovely blog post. Thank you for sharing!


Hugs and Tweets to you dear friends!