Monday, December 12, 2011


I don't know about you, but right now I am trying to do so many things! I still have shopping to finish, baking to be done, a meal to make to share with a family in need, Christmas cards to finish creating, packages that need to be shipped, basketball games to attend, dishes to be washed, clothes to be laundered, tables to be decorated, gifts to be completed, deep prayers to be prayed and reverent Christmas musings to think upon....and that is just a few things that pop into my head at the moment.....there are many more things that I need to do or think I should do or things that I simply just want to do or create!
Some times you just need to lie down and BREATHE Christmas in! Think about the reason we celebrate at all! Soak in the silence of solitude....even if it's in your car waiting for the kids to come out of school. Sip that cup of tea....SITTING DOWN.....not racing around doing other things. Sit down and PRAY....breathe in the spirit of Christmas and let God fill your heart with REAL joy.
Recently, I was at a Christmas program. Lots of children were singing and reading verses that unfolded the Christmas story. The audience would sing Christmas carols in between scenes. There was a little child with some disabilities sitting near me. He was singing all of the songs from his sweet little heart. He didn't know all the words so he sang his own. He sang sweetly and clearly and with such a joy! His pure heart was the best performance of all. He was singing only for God's ears and I know He heard.
Don't be so busy that you miss what matters most! Maybe bake one pie instead of three. Maybe your Christmas cards won't go out until New Year's. Maybe you won't finish all the decorating that you wish to do. Do this instead. Smile. Hug. Listen. Worship. Breathe! Take time to enjoy the little moments that are all around you if you simply look and listen!


  1. I am very relaxed darling...when things happenend in your see all what matters different......not so important more........God filled my heart with REAL joy........that is what life is your heart !! love love

  2. Thank you for sharing, such true true words


Hugs and Tweets to you dear friends!