Monday, October 10, 2011

I'm Back

I arrived safely back home and was so happy to see my own bed and my children. After some very rough turbulence out of Denver,(think roller coaster extreme) I was so happy to be done traveling for the time being. I took some great photos of Colorado and had a great time. I will share some of those soon. I hope your week is off to a sweet start. Is it bad I made my son a cup of coffee for breakfast? He is 13 and really likes coffee and I recently bought a little coffee pot and he really wanted to try it out! I am much more of a black tea drinker and more of a social coffee drinker but needed a 5 cup little pot! His cup of coffee was flavored with Creme Brulee creamer and he was a happy camper going off to school! Some days a man just needs a cup of coffee! LOL
Enjoy your Monday doing something that makes your heart smile!


  1. Welcome home.......enjoy a happy from

  2. Glad you're back safe and sound! Love the photos you shared!

    Have a lovely week settling back in!

  3. What a beautiful post! I loved son has an anxiety disorder too, so I know what you are going lovely that the sparrow showed up when it did...I love that...signs from God :) Hope you are having a wonderful day!

    I am a follower and I will be back :)

    Lou Cinda


Hugs and Tweets to you dear friends!