Friday, June 3, 2011

Sweet Little Lambs

There is a little farm near my house that has a small pasture and a handful of sweet sheep. They are so peaceful and serene. I look forward to seeing them. They make me feel quiet and contemplative. The other day the words to an old hymn from the 1800's came to my mind!

Savior, like a shepherd lead us
Much we need Thy tender care
In Thy pleasant pastures feed us
For our use Thy folds prepare
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus
Thou hast bought us, Thine we are                             
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus                                       
Thou hast bought us, Thine we are                       
We are Thine, do Thou befriend us
Be the guardian of our way
Keep Thy flock from sin defend us
Seek us when we go astray
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus
Hear Thy children when we pray
Blessed Jesus, oh blessed Jesus
Hear Thy children when we pray

When life gets filled with stress, I need to be like the little sheep and just breathe in the fresh air, lay down awhile and trust that My Shepherd will take care of me and my family. We hear so much scary news each and every time we encounter the media, that we forget Who is in charge.....God is! He loves us more than we can know and He wants us to trust Him. From now on, when I get bogged down with worries, I am going to think about the little lambs and just REST. 


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog.......what a sweet lambs....what a lovely blog you have.....i follow you...please if you want follow me are

  2. And beautiful words.......i foget after sweet lambs...blessings

  3. What a sweet message about our awesome Shepherd!! These little lamb photos are absolutely precious! I love the idea of picturing myself as a little lamb in the pasture with the Shepherd handling everything!! Thanks for that great mental picture!! I will use it often I'm sure!

    Have a wonderful evening and weekend!


Hugs and Tweets to you dear friends!