Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sentimental Journey

Much of my artwork has evolved and been formed by the inspiration of Rachel Ashwell and Shabby Chic. I just love worn antique laces and linens. I also love romantic feminine roses and creams and whites. My own tastes have definitely evolved over the years to become more "me", but I can say for sure that I love Shabby Chic and always will.
I was just telling my husband the other day, that we needed new dishes. We will have been wed for 25 years this June. (I can't believe it.) My dishes do not match and are getting very sad and tired. They have been collected over the years on my junking jaunts.
I was in Target the other day, doing my usual, back of the store bargain looking, when suddenly my little heart skipped a beat and I sank to my knees to get a closer look at the bottom shelf. If you know me at all, I am a bottom-of-the-shelf  kind of girl! I love finding treasures that are overlooked! The best things are usually not within plain sight.
There in three large boxes I found the most lovely treasures! I saw the Rachel Ashwell Shabby Chic logo and I quickly pulled one of the boxes closer to me. DISHES! Shabby Chic Chateau dishes! Three boxes with 4 place settings in each. Ideally, if I were choosing new dishes, I would NEED a service for 12. Ideal! I looked around to make sure no other shopper was going to snatch my treasures from under my nose. I was safe for the moment. Quickly, I loaded two of the three boxes into my cart. If I decided NOT to get them, then I could put them back. Back on my knees, I discovered, that I could stealthily take out some dishes and see if I REALLY liked them. Carefully, I pulled out a plate. They were gorgeous. This was a gift from God. The price was 80% off! I loaded that third box into my cart and went running to show my friends who were shopping with me. They were so excited for my find too! Some days when you find a treasure, it feels like a gift from God that He placed there just for you. Do you ever have that experience? What is the best treasure you have ever found?

I decided to photograph a place setting for you to admire. They look especially lovely with my Grandmother's Silverware that I inherited and I treasure. She purchased them when she got married. I am so sentimental and I miss my Grandmother very much. I am so thankful that I have her silverware. They are used for very special meals in our family. They are a treasure....just as she was! I have also included a photograph of her as a little girl. I just love it. I hope you enjoy my Sentimental Journey.


  1. Wow, what a great deal!!! Love that! :)

  2. I love a good Target clearance story!! :) I'm glad you found the dishes...they sound perfect for you!

  3. what a gorgeous find and bargain! I always love when I find a sale! The setting looks so lovely on your table! Thanks for the kind comments on my blog! :)


Hugs and Tweets to you dear friends!