Friday, December 17, 2010

The Heart of Christmas

Something happened today at my house that made me cry. For weeks I have been scurrying from task to task, with emotions high and low and every spot in between. In the midst of my day, as I was busily crossing things off of my to-do list( that was growing by the minute), my son took me aside and pulled something from his pocket. It was his shiny silver ipod that he uses for his work-outs. He asked me if his older sister, who is home visiting, ever got the ipod that she has wanted for awhile. I said that she hadn't. He then went on to tell me that he would like to give his ipod to her. He had erased all of his music and set it up for her use. He didn't wrap it and he didn't wait for Christmas, because she has to go back to work before then and won't be with us on Christmas day. He said to me that he didn't have money to purchase a gift, but her wanted to give her his ipod. I cannot tell you how that exchange melted my heart. I'm sure her heart was touched and I know it made his Christmas to be able to give her something she has wanted for awhile. A gift given from his heart. A gift given with sacrifice. A gift given with thoughtfulness. Today my son reminded me of what Christmas is all about. It's not how much money you have to spend on those you love. It's not the fancy wrapping. It's love reminiscent of that first Christmas when God sent His Son. It was a gift given from God's heart. A gift given with sacrifice. It was a gift given with thoughtfulness to our need of a Savior. May this Christmas bring you deep joy! Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Hugs and Tweets to you dear friends!