Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Night Walking

This summer I have been enjoying walking around my neighborhood at dusk or shortly after dark. I find this clears my mind, gives me opportunity to pray for my friends and family and burns off some extra calories. I enjoy listening to the night sounds and seeing the cozy lights in my neighbor's windows as they are settling down for the night. I live in a very safe little town and I have no fear of walking. I grew up in NY so I still have my street smarts about me and I do carry my cell phone. Once in awhile, I will text my dear daughter a loving thought as she is beginning her night shift as a nurse in a big city hospital. I enjoy seeing the houses that might be FOR SALE, having a few friendly pups yip at me from their post on their porch,and pass a few other night walkers like myself. All was well, until one night last week when IT happened. I was just about to turn a corner and head for home when I see something out of the corner of my eye. Under a street lamp, I see a furry, ringed tail scuttle down into a storm drain. Growing up in the country, I say to myself,"Oh, a cute little masked fellow."I have always defended raccoons as being cute and cat-like with their little masked faces. I know they can be pests but I have always thought them endearing. No problem, I think to myself. But, I decide,well maybe, I will walk another block and not get too near him. The thought of rabies doesn't really set well with me. As I pass quietly by the storm drain, I get the feeling I am being watched. So I slowly turn around,and there he is! Mr. Masked-Man is in his little drain, but he is watching me VERY closely. I walk a little faster and keep looking over my shoulder. He continues to watch me with his little face sticking out of the drain and his chin resting on his little paws. "Well, he is cute. I will give hime that." I say to myself. I might have said it out loud, just to comfort myself. So I walk for another block and turn towards home. I look from a distance and can now see him clearly under the street lamp. He is sitting outside of his storm drain, looking down the street at me. I'm sure he is! I wish I knew what he is thinking!

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